Saturday, 10 April 2010

And there's a mint leaf stuck in the straw of the mojito that I'm sucking, which I made myself, and majorly over-poured (a first) with vodka and extra rum, and I'm pretty fucked. And its 1449. And I'm waiting for the washing machine to stop spinning so I can put another load on, but its been stuck on 00:09 minutes for what seems two hours. And I stumble across a bottle of Jager in the cutlery draw. And my suitcase isn't even packed, and I've work in, oh I don't know, perhaps five hours and I'm pretty fucked and its only gonna get worse, and I'm loving it. And did I mention I cleaned the oven, and still havent eaten? Make it a sweet goodbye. Roll on the hills and beaches.

And here's a picture of me in a wetsuit. Make me wet. Oh wait, that's a bush, sometime in mid 2007. You've got me popping champagne I'm at it again.


Tim in the City of Angles said...

You put vodka in a mojito? Oh wait, I forgot for a sec who I was talking to. You pour vodka over breakfast cereal.

Otherwise a wonderfully incoherent post. I love a nice afternoon buzz... although it sound like you passed buzz a while ago and are well on your way to 3-car alarm.

I salute you...


abristolnovella said...

I prefer baileys on my cereal if I'm honest.

And yes, vodka in a mojito is a murderous crime but its all about choosing the right type. I opt for zybrovka for it's grassy/herb/earthy infused taste, mixed with 8year old havana club especial (not the best I know), mint, lime, sugar and the rest and then to totally murder the cuban classic, a splash of apple juice. A summer delight.

tales of said...

Hey that pic reminds me of some of the states I have found myself in
Is that Red Band CK boxers I spy ?

abristolnovella said...

changeling: Is it? And not that I'm aware. You're right, it becomes a Bison grass mojito, but it's better than the classic.

Ahorny: Sorry to disappoint, but they are Jockey, better for sports I found...when I did sports back in the day