Wednesday 28 October 2009

The tea in the cup, is scalding, and of English origin. Black. Sans lait. And as the days minutes are recalled, I realise nothing of true significance has happened. And that's the way most good days are constructed. Liberated from routine. Most of the day filled with chores, the kind that were used to pass the summer time.

And the brown liquid is slightly spicy, sweet, dry. And in the wardrobe a collection of shirts that have not been worn for a period of time, hang, as if new; and some indeed are still attached to labels. In the back pocket of a folded pair of jeans, A Moveable Feast. The pages of which I flick through. Until four hour fall way, and retirement is imminent.

And on a hard drive I find the following image, from last September:


Ben said...

English tea - Tregothnan? I have fond memories of a visit there one rainy day last autumn.

Not wearing those shirts is the way forward, if last September's image is anything to go by.

Tim in the City of Angles said...

ok, Toughie. who was it that broke your heart?

SpiritMountainGuy said...

Black tea??? My recent favourite is Earl Grey, actually a longtime favourite with long periods of consuming other varieties.

So, how is your love life??? Are you hinting at something?

I'm adding your blog link to the sidebar on my blog (blogroll) and will do so in the morning. It's late and time for me to head for bed. - V.

abristolnovella said...

Black tea, is the only way to drink tea (unless its a normal/mainstream brand, which are often tasteless without milk). :-) And I do not recall what it was, I picked blindly.

Naturally being of English origin I keep a cupboard full of random teas :-)

SpiritMountainGuy said...

I'm not British but of German background and have a cupboard full of various teas, both black and herbal. Gave up coffee a couple of years ago! - V.