Friday, 21 August 2009

And it's really quite a tragic revelation. And perhaps I cannot continue. And perhaps now I'll end up typing to myself. Again.

My one and only loyal reader no longer exists...or so I'm told. Although this may very well be a hyperbolic fabrication, conjured by yours truly. Even still, this event has saddened me.

Or something.

I've still got the other four followers...right?


Jay said...

You're never typing to yourself. I always read your posts :)

Matt said...

According to Google Reader there are 17 people following you. I'm one of them.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your blog. Don't think you are writing for no one...

Tim in the City of Angles said...

silly rabbit

Pilgrim said...

Well, I feel honored to be one in the exlusive club of four. :-) Propz Pilgrim

Ben said...

And there's me, for what it's worth.

UNPAID X said...

I've recently started following your blog, and am quite enjoying it really.

One more for the list